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  • Writer's pictureRein DePedro

How to keep your family life balanced

Maintaining a balance in family life is difficult. There are so many things that demand our time and energy - work, children's schooling, and a lot more.

Everyone hopes to create a balanced home life. We'd like an atmosphere that will allow us to feel relaxed, content, and as stress-free as possible, especially our kids.

Let me share specific ways to bring balance to your life.

When you begin to feel too stressed out, tired, or too overwhelmed, refer back to the tips. It takes practice and persistence to maintain calm and balance. But it can be done. Our kids are counting on us to lead the way.

1. Reflect and ask your self what type of person you really want to be- the kids of parent you want to be.

2. Ask yourself what you want your life to be like- write specific goals, prioritize your goals ranging from short, to intermediate to long term.

3. Set your goals high and believe you can do it. Life should be a grand adventure but for your sanity and energy level, remember, you can do it all, but not all at once. Goals are still achievable even when actively parenting, others need to wait until their kids are older. Others might wait for their retirement. Have patience and trust. Your dreams will come true in their own good time.

4. Learn to say no to things that requires your time and energy that don't really fit into your most precious priority- your family life. Avoid being over-committed by being too busy that you neglect your own family.

5. Create a schedule for your family and keeps those appointments as you would a business appointment. Make time for family fun not just for shopping and cleaning.

6. Time management- there are great management books to help.

7. Schedule some time to connect yourself to universal good, whether it's through prayer, worship or meditation.

8. Eat nutritious foods. Limit yourself to alcohol, throw away the cigarettes and cigars in the trash and exercise daily. Don't procrastinate, do it now!

9. Delegate household chores to each family member so everyone gets to have a free time. Kids as early as 3 can help out.

10. Pursuing a hobby can is a perfect way to distract yourself after a busy day. It provides you to have some ME time and gives an outlet for releasing stress built up from the day. It's also a great way to lift the weight of work or family worries off our shoulders. Trying out photography, gardening, playing an instrument, reading books. This helps you balance and zest for lief.

11. Loosen up. Keep a sense of humor about life, yourself and others.

12. Do whatever you can to support your family well. Look for the best child care possible. Be involved in your kids education. help your spouse or partner fine time to relax. Keep a good relationship with neighbors and extended family.

13. when you become overwhelmed by life and it last for weeks and months, get some help. If days are starting to get dark for you, reach out. Visit a doctor, a counselor or speak to a friend/family member. You don't need to surrender to depression. Treatment for overwhelming life circumstance helps everyone in the family; denial of depression doesn't.

14. Always choose to be happy- It's always a life choice - a choice of your kids.

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